Thursday, 31 May 2012

A Quick Response to SunsFlare Unidentified Object Near Sun - 04132012 | ...

Interesting SunsFlare (as always) It could be pretty much anything from space debris of sorts to dust donuts. 2012 KT42 asteroid could have left our orbit heading into the great unknown. I do know it's much to small to be any kind of planet, such as Niburo or planet X, it could be a satellite such as ACE -- always ahead of SOHO

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

May 30 2012 Coronal Hole Emitting Solar Wind Directed towards Earth 2 HD

A large coronal hole is emerging over the sun's eastern limb. Solar wind flowing from the opening should reach Earth on June 6-7.
The energy that heats the corona and accelerates the solar wind originates in subphotospheric convective motions.
However, even after a half-century of investigation, the physical processes that transport this energy to the corona and convert it into thermal, magnetic, and kinetic energy are still not known.

Coronal holes are the darkest regions of the ultraviolet and X-ray Sun, both on the disk and above the limb. Coronal
holes are associated with rapidly expanding open magnetic fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar
From paper reviews measurements of the plasma properties of coronal holes and how these measurements have
been used to put constraints on theoretical models of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. Heat deposition at
the dense and collisional coronal base is of comparable importance (in determining, e.g., temperature gradients and
asymptotic outflow speeds) as extended heating in the collisionless regions above 2 solar radii.
Thus, a complete understanding of the physics requires both observations of the solar disk and inner corona (Yohkoh, EIT, CDS, SUMER) and coronagraphic observations of the wind’s acceleration region (UVCS, LASCO). Although strong evidence has been found to suggest that the high-speed wind is driven mainly by proton pressure, the differences between proton, electron, and heavy ion velocity distributions are extremely valuable as probes of the dominant physical processes.

CME C3 TARGETS MARS: The magnetic canopy of sunspot AR1492 having erupted on May 27th at 0551UT, producing a long-duration C3-class solar flare and having hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Mars, will hit the MSL spacecraft (containing Mars rover Curiosity) on May 31st at 0100 UT followed by Mars itself about 10 hours later. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab.

AR 1492 Sunspot Facing Directly Towards Earth
Still Poses a Threat

May 30 2012 Coronal Hole Emitting Solar Wind Directed towards Earth HD

A large coronal hole is emerging over the sun's eastern limb. Solar wind flowing from the opening should reach Earth on June 6-7.
The energy that heats the corona and accelerates the solar wind originates in subphotospheric convective motions.
However, even after a half-century of investigation, the physical processes that transport this energy to the corona and convert it into thermal, magnetic, and kinetic energy are still not known.

Coronal holes are the darkest regions of the ultraviolet and X-ray Sun, both on the disk and above the limb. Coronal
holes are associated with rapidly expanding open magnetic fields and the acceleration of the high-speed solar
From paper reviews measurements of the plasma properties of coronal holes and how these measurements have
been used to put constraints on theoretical models of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. Heat deposition at
the dense and collisional coronal base is of comparable importance (in determining, e.g., temperature gradients and
asymptotic outflow speeds) as extended heating in the collisionless regions above 2 solar radii.
Thus, a complete understanding of the physics requires both observations of the solar disk and inner corona (Yohkoh, EIT, CDS, SUMER) and coronagraphic observations of the wind’s acceleration region (UVCS, LASCO). Although strong evidence has been found to suggest that the high-speed wind is driven mainly by proton pressure, the differences between proton, electron, and heavy ion velocity distributions are extremely valuable as probes of the dominant physical processes.

CME C3 TARGETS MARS: The magnetic canopy of sunspot AR1492 having erupted on May 27th at 0551UT, producing a long-duration C3-class solar flare and having hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Mars, will hit the MSL spacecraft (containing Mars rover Curiosity) on May 31st at 0100 UT followed by Mars itself about 10 hours later. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab.

Monday, 28 May 2012

May 28 2012 Class C3 CME Targets STEREO A, Mercury and Mars HD

A dense coronal mass ejection (class C3 flare CME) that left the sun during the late hours of May 26th, delivered a glancing blow to Mercury late last night and will blow a direct hit to NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft today May 28th. Earth could receive a glancing blow from the cloud on May 29th; more likely, though, it will completely miss.
and more

Saturday, 26 May 2012

May 26 2012 New Sunspot AR1492 Turning Towards Earth Sends a CME Class C...


The sun's southeastern limb is hopping with activity. New sunspot AR1492, which just rotated onto the Earthside of the sun, is crackling with C-class solar flares and hurling plumes of plasma off the stellar surface.

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the multi-coloured clip movie during the late hours of May 25th. According to the 3D Sun app, another active region is approaching just behind this one and could boost solar activity even more when it emerges in the days ahead.
Have a great weekend and thanks for watching.

Friday, 25 May 2012

May 25 2012 Class C3 Flare Earth Bound HD

A new significant sunspot is emerging and some minor filament eruptions earth side including some beautiful coronal rain and filament tornadoes.
Wish you all a great weekend and a safe one.

Why Won't My Flowes Bloom? HD

It's a mystery enshrouding the Taiga Forest Estate. My Tulips in my stone circle came out just fine but throughout the rest of my land not one single bloom excepting my crap apple tree, my lavender bush and another bush just coming into bloom. But everywhere else I look I only see a sea of green.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

May 23 2012 Has the Sun Flat-Lined? [and a special treat] HD

When we were children and we'd go to see some fireworks our adrenalin would be pumped to the hilt with the expectancy to see the greatest cherry bombs and all kinds of other multi-coloured fireworks go off. Remember that feeling as if it was just yesterday? We'd see one little splutter of lights soar towards the skies, a test run, but we'd ooohhh and wooooo and cheer .... And then we waited, and waited some more ... finally some little voice in the crowed would speak up in an aggravated protest "This sucks!" .... And suddenly the dark skies lit up ......

We are now approaching the peak of the Solar Cycle 24 we had a few previews of CMEs in the upper M class flares and unexpectantly the sunspots decayed and the sun fell silent.
Well no!
The sun remained actually quite active hurdling solar winds into space just not towards Earth with the almost daily minor filament eruptions towards our direction inundating our geomagnetosphere and giving Alaska and Canada as well as the northern regions in the Netherlands, Iceland et al some beautiful Northern Auroras, practically nightly including in some cases as far South as Michigan U.S.

As sunspots are decaying new ones are popping up like daisies. As well as geomagnetic storms from the minor class flares directed towards us.

It's a matter of having "patience" and wait for 2013 to roll around the corner. Won't be long now. ....
Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Solar Wind

Solar physicists have been waiting for the appearance of a reversed-polarity sunspot to signal the start of the next solar cycle. The wait is over.

A magnetically reversed, high-latitude sunspot emerged.

I can very well remember that night in March 13, 1989. MrWabbit had decided to go out into the shed to bring some wood for the fire into the house, I had retired for the night and was already in bed watching ironically a science documentary on searching for the possibility of life on some other planet somewhere in our Universe with scientists sending recorded messages out into space also digital signalled radio waves with the hope to get some response back even if thousands of years may elapse.

Suddenly the television began to act up funny as if someone was turning down the electrical current to an incredible low. I got up to look for MrWabbit thinking what did he get into now with his experiments, by this time as I walked from one room into the other all the lights were also dimming and I had this sort of smirking but uneasy feeling of what kind of joke is he playing to make everything so spooky? Or is this real and maybe the entire house will explode for sure this time.

As the house ever so slowly dimmed more and more the brighter the outside appeared that night, until I actually went outside to tell MrWabbit to stop fooling around and realized the entire sky was lit up a bright pink and orange hue making the snow also appear a neon pink alternating into a neon orange.

We stood watching the skies, looking at each other and I know his mind was racing as fast as mine.

Solar flares, known as coronal mass ejections, carry with them many protons and electrons which reach the Earth's magnetosphere, where it produces quite an auroral show.

The danger

But these solar flares also send out clouds of charged particles that could damage communication systems and power grids. Astronauts also need to be aware of when a CME will occur not to be outside on a space walk at that time since the radiation will do critical damages.

A solar storm on March 13, 1989 jolted Hydro Quebec and left six million people without power for up to nine hours. Airliners on routes over the Arctic had to be diverted south, since the Earth's magnetic field offers less protection near the poles.

The storm is also a threat to satellites.

If you bombard any electric equipment with protons and electrons travelling 1,000 kilometres a second, it can affect the computer systems and it could take some of them out.
An important, unknown component to the storm is its magnetic orientation. If it lines up a certain way with the Earth's magnetic field, the storm could pour into the Earth's upper atmosphere and do some electrical damage. If it aligns otherwise it could simply pass by the planet with few consequences.

To understand our Sun

The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. Approximately 150 million kilometres from us it is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface.

Solar energy is created deep within the core of the Sun. It is here that the temperature (15,000,000° C; 27,000,000° F) and pressure (340 billion times Earth's air pressure at sea level) is so intense that nuclear reactions take place.

As amazing as it sounds our sun is really a very ordinary one. The Sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another five billion years or so. At the end of its life, the Sun will start to fuse helium into heavier elements and begin to swell up, ultimately growing so large that it will swallow the Earth. After a billion years as a red giant, it will suddenly collapse into a white dwarf -- the final end product of a star like ours. It may take a trillion years to cool off completely. In comparison to other stars (suns) that are 3 times more massive than ours, but very unstable with its core cooling quickly and ending up as a super nova.

The corona is the outer part of the Sun's atmosphere. It is in this region that prominences appears. Prominences are immense clouds of glowing gas that erupt from the upper chromosphere. The outer region of the corona stretches far into space and consists of particles traveling slowly away from the Sun. The corona can only be seen during total solar eclipses.

To Understand Magnetic Loops in the Sun's Corona

Magnetic fields can be thought of as lines that connect north and south polarities. On the Earth these lines run from north to south and are uniform and organized. This is why we can navigate so well with a magnetic compass.

Another important property of magnetic fields is that they trap and contain hot gases. They are, in effect, "magnetic bottles". On earth, laboratory experiments to produce energy from controlled fusion depend on this property of magnetic fields to contain the super-hot gases.

On the sun, the magnetic fields connect opposite polarities just as on the Earth. However, while the Earth only has one north and one south pole, on the Sun we observe bits of north and south polarity scattered all over the surface. Furthermore, their position and strengths are constantly changing. The magnetic fields connecting these poles loop out into the corona in a bewildering array of shapes and sizes. They are visible in X-rays because of the hot gas that they trap.

When some of the Sun's magnetic field lines are filled with hot gas, we see a magnetic loop:

So if on any given night your lights behave suspiciously, your dish lost reception to your favourite movie, and your cell phone goes dead, no it’s not the end of the world, it’s a powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) giving us the biggest aurora show of all.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Response to SunsFlare Video Update May 21 2012 HD

This is a follow up video by SunsFlare original video titled "Monolith / Dust Devil on Mars Surface? | Submitted For Review on May 19, 2012 -- "Sunsflare"

SunsFlare always finds the amazing and the interesting things not only about our sun but also whatever archive he might dig up and analyse. What is more amazing is his keen eye of observation to find the miniscule objects easily overlooked by others.

We do know of some metallic objects such as iron and nickel meteorites found by our beloved Rover Opportunity as well as heat shields.
Do any of you remember Opportunity finding the "white wabbit" on Mars in 2005?

SunsFlare -

Friday, 18 May 2012

May 18 2912 Good Bye Sunspot 1476 Hello New Sunspot HD


Sunspot AR 1476 is decaying as it moves away from us and out of view, but a new sunspot is developing on the NE limb.

2012-05-18 Region 1476 Fading Out w/ a Class M5 CME Farewell Glancing ...

The Solar Radiation Storm is winding down as Region 1476 disappears around west limb. The class M5 coronal mass ejection (CME) that flew off the sun's western limb on May 17th might hit Earth after all and could deliver just a glancing blow as anticipated from yesterday's CME, along with class C1 and C2 flares. Also expected is to possibly bring G1 (Minor) Geomagnetic Storm conditions for short periods today and tomorrow, May 18 -19.
The speckles in the SOHO clip are caused by energetic protons hitting the observatory's detector (SOHO). Those protons may have been accelerated in part by the shock wave en route to Earth.

According to NOAA, there is a 40% chance of minor geomagnetic storms and a 15% chance of strong storms when the shock arrives. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.
Solar wind speed: 399.8 km/sec

X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C2 1347 UT May18
24-hr: C3 0823 UT May18

Thursday, 17 May 2012

May 17 2012 Class M5 & Class C2 Solar Flare Stir Radio Blackout & Radiat...

Although region 1476 is quiet and in decay for days nevertheless produced a class M5 solar flare and a class C2 flare producing energetic solar protons swirling around Earth. Also, a very impulsive R2 (Moderate) Radio Blackout at 0147UTC on May 17 (9:47 p.m. EDT May 16). The region, now in the solar western hemisphere and magnetically well-connected to earth, also caused a very fast S2 Solar Radiation Storm with this eruption, which means it is a moderate event capable of confusing spacecraft imaging systems and causing single event upset' in orbiting electronics. Odds are the Radiation Storm has peaked. If a CME was launched, it is likely to be off-line with earth given the far western site of the event.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Old Tree and the Old Cat HD

Rascal is our oldest cat of the troop (my rescued cats). He's somewhere well past over 100 human years old. His teeth are all gone but he's healthy and active. He's teaching Sylvie (who needs little teaching) or maybe just showing off to her how to climb trees. Sylvie was also a rescued kitten, now she has grown into a beautiful and healthy lady. It appears she could be a partial munchkin cat. Low to the ground and shorter limbs than the rest. (More of Sylvie's rescued story coming soon)
Enjoy and thanks for watching

Monday, 14 May 2012


We can expect some beautiful auroras tonight May 14th A coronal mass ejection could deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field today, May 14th. The cloud is passing by en route to Mars. NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% to 25% chance of minor geomagnetic storms during the next 24 hours. Magnetic storm alerts.
(NOOA Spaceweather)

Saturday, 12 May 2012

May 12 2012 Sunspot AR1476 - 160,000 km Across and Still Growing [HD]

As we are approaching solar max peak we can expect some surprising things from our sun -- such as working up her magnetic field and then just deflate like a balloon and just as you're shoulders slump she whacks a big one at you with a warning never to underestimate the sun.

Region AR1476 is one of the largest regions since the 2003 Halloween Sunspots, and still growing bigger and more active with entanglements of magnetic fields. The sunspot looks a lot like Hawaii, but it is much bigger than any island on Earth. From end to end the sprawling active region stretches ~160,000 km, or a dozen times wider than our entire planet. If you have a sunspot telescope, take a look. The view is magnificent!

May 12 2012 [1000 kms+] Fast Moving CME Towards Earth HD

On May 11th at 23:54 UT, a coronal mass ejection raced away from the sun faster than 1000 km/s. The fast-moving cloud will hit Earth's magnetic field on May 14th around 19:30 UT, according to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab. Venus is also in the line of fire. Magnetic storm alerts:

We could possibly have some amazing class X flares coming our way it is best to have your flashlights handy in case power goes out. Water if you're getting water from a well. The higher North you are the more of the possibility the further down South you are the less chance that you'll experience radio black out and/or power outage.
Solar wind speed: 556.9 km/sec
X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C2 1325 UT May12
24-hr: C3 0008 UT May12

NOAA/ Spaceweather

Friday, 11 May 2012

May 11 2012 Sunspot 1476 is on Fire w/ CME's & Solar Flares Bound for Ea...

Region AR1476 is now right in the middle of the solar disk meaning it is pointed right at us and continues to dissipate its energy in various sized bursts of modest to strong flares and CME's. That output belies its appearance of large sunspots still getting larger and entangled magnetic fields. Forecasters at NOAA are keeping vigil should things break loose.

Solar wind speed: 559.0 km/sec

X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C6 1738 UT May11
24-hr: C6 1738 UT May11

Thursday, 10 May 2012

May 10 2012 Sunspot 1476 Unleashed an Impulsive M5-Class Solar Flare HD

This morning, May 10th around 0418 UT, sunspot 1476 unleashed an impulsive M5-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:
Apparently, the almost-X class explosion did not hurl a significant CME toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of more M-class flares and a 10% chance of
Also; Geomagnetic Storm Warning today!
X-flares during the next 24 hours.
Solar wind speed: 602.5 km/sec
density: 0.0 protons/cm3

X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C4 1340 UT May10
24-hr: M5 0418 UT May10

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

May 9 2012 Two Incoming CME to Impact Earth Today Magnetic Storm Alert HD

Magnetic storm alerts today and tomorrow (10 05 12)
Forecast tracks prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab suggests a pair of solar eruptions on May 7th hurled coronal mass ejections (CMEs) toward Earth. The clouds will arrive in succession today, May 9th at 13:40 UT and May 10th at 07:54 UT (+/- 7 hours). The double impact could spark moderate geomagnetic storms.
High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Sunspot 1476 poses a threat for X-class solar flares.
Also, new sunspots are emerging at the circled location
Solar wind speed at 452.3 km/sec

Interplanetary Mag. Field
Btotal: 6.0 nT
Bz: 5 nT south
The Sun's magnetic field isn't confined to the immediate vicinity of our star. The solar wind carries it throughout the solar system. Out among the planets we call the Sun's magnetic field the "Interplanetary Magnetic Field" or "IMF." Because the Sun rotates (once every 27 days) the IMF has a spiral shape -- named the "Parker spiral" after the scientist who first described it.

Earth has a magnetic field, too. It forms a bubble around our planet called the magnetosphere, which deflects solar wind gusts. (Mars, which does not have a protective magnetosphere, has lost much of its atmosphere as a result of solar wind erosion.) Earth's magnetic field and the IMF come into contact at the magnetopause: a place where the magnetosphere meets the solar wind. Earth's magnetic field points north at the magnetopause. If the IMF points south -- a condition scientists call "southward Bz" -- then the IMF can partially cancel Earth's magnetic field at the point of contact.
NOAA/Space weather

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

May 8 2012 Sunspot 1476 Poses Threat for Strong Class M Solar Flares HD

Magnetic storm alerts.

Sunspot AR1471 erupted on May 7th, producing an M1-class solar flare and an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME). According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather lab, the cloud will reach Earth on May 9th at 13:40 UT (+/- 7 hours).

X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C7 1726 UT May07
24-hr: M1 1431 UT May07
6-hr max: C1 0836 UT May08
24-hr: C1 0836 UT May08

Interplanetary Magnetic Field
Btotal: 5.7 nT
Bz: 1.5 nT south
During the years around solar maximum (2000 and 2001 are good examples) spots pepper the face of the Sun. Sunspots are places where intense magnetic loops -- hundreds of times stronger than the ambient dipole field -- poke through the photosphere. Sunspot magnetic fields overwhelm the underlying dipole; as a result, the Sun's magnetic field near the surface of the star becomes tangled and complicated.
NASA/NOAA Spaceweather

Monday, 7 May 2012

May 7 2012 - New Sunspot 1476 is Crackling with M Class Solar Flares HD

New sunspot 1476 is large and crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Because of the active region's location near the east limb, the eruptions are not geoeffective, although this could change in the days ahead as the sunspot turns toward Earth.
One of the largest sunspot groups in years rotated over the sun's northeastern limb this weekend. With a least four dark cores larger than Earth.

AR1476 sprawls more than 100,000 km from end to end, and makes an easy target for backyard solar telescopes.
Class M1 flare 1431 UT May07
Solar wind speed: 320.2 km/sec

Saturday, 5 May 2012

May 6 2012 Class M8 Flare Eruption from the Sun-s NE Limb HD

The new large sunspot group rotating into view over the sun's northeastern limb, has given us a first taste of this emerging apparently significant active region that could herald an increase in solar activity of more minor and more substantial class flares.
Solar Flares at M1 to M8.
Solar wind speed at 303.0 km/sec
density: 2.7 protons/cm3 (NOAA)
Update and/or upgrade to follow

How I Bring the Best of the Sun to You HD

Some of you had asked for some time, how do I put a video together, I had done a how to on a very simple video maker of a collage of images. Since I was asked especially concerning about our sun, now that our sun is in solar maximum and I'm posting more videos of our sun I thought this would be a good time to take you along with me and show you first hand. Well first I have to look for what I want and since each video pretty much has a different theme I think this is the most basic one.
Enjoy and thanks for watching.

Friday, 4 May 2012

High Density Plasma Wind from Coronal Hole Flowing towards Earth HD

Since April 29th to date the sun's activity has increased. The magnetic field are getting more entangled as solar maximum approaches. The Coronal Hole is still significantly growing with solar wind flowing from this coronal hole reaching Earth on or about May 9th. The solar wind is at speed of 308.4 km/sec.
Sunspot 1469 has a beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares.
What does all this mean? We are now approaching the peak of solar maximum, meaning the sun's magnetic poles are about to complete their north to south, south to north flip.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Meet Our Cindi [HD]

  On my other channel (truemaskedwabbit) I had posted several rescued kitty videos and images of abandoned kittens -- best said they were thrown over my fence to fend for themselves where surely they would have died. Also some who had either called me or came to me to bring me some abandoned kittens close to death where I did promise to keep an update. I hadn't forgotten but time was a factor and time waits for no one.
Last summer's ending another solitary little kitten found her way to my kitchen patio. She came in time the cold nights were setting in and winter was promising to be cruel.
I did finally get around to take some pictures but she needed more urgent attention such as the vet, deworming, and whatever de-X had to be done and finally also the BIG "S". She is doing very well, she is sweet and very loving and was accepted immediately by the troop including the puppies who made friends with her to this day.

I thought I'd begin here introducing her to you and then slowly work myself backwards to how the rest of the rescued troop is doing. Hopefully along the way I learn how to work with the video camera lol. If anyone has any tips please do jump right on in, I'm open for suggestions. Actually I am hoping to get some suggestions.
Next videos I'll be sure to include audio - sorry about that.
Thank you for watching.