Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Class M2 8 Flare & Geomagnetic Storm in Progress HD

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The American government is still in lock down but the sun waits for no one. And aren't we delighted the sun has a mind of her own.
At long last... a noteworthy solar flare to report. A moderate eruption measuring M2.8 was just detected around sunspot complex 1864-1865 in the southeast quadrant. SDO/EVE captures the flare which peaked at 01:48 UTC early Wednesday morning. The active regions are not yet in the best postion for Earth directed explosions, however I will provide further updates if a CME is associated.
Wish you all a great week and thank you for watching :)

2013 07 10 CME to Impact Earth -- Geomagnetic Storm HD

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A minor C6.2 solar flare was detected at 04:13 UTC around region 1856. New regions 1860 and 1861 located in the southeast quadrant were numbered overnight. Region 1861 produced a low level C-Flare at 05:08 UTC. All other regions remained stable. Sunspot 1855 continues to fade and will soon rotate onto the southwest limb. There will remain a chance for isolated C-Class solar flares. And more .....
The audio got muted (a first for this instrumental from Inception) They also muted my voice along with the music but today put my voice with my poetry back. THANK YOU YOUTUBE!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013



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We have another view from SDO as the lens zooms in at AIA SDO lenses (211, 193, 171) At 2million 600,000Kelvin to show the filament ripping through the sun's atmosphere and leaving behind a "canyon of fire." The glowing "canyon" traces the channel where magnetic forces held the filament aloft before the explosion.

This event also hurled a magnificent CME into space:). The magnetized cloud, which left the sun traveling approximately 900 km/s (2 million mph), was not aimed toward Earth. Nevertheless, our planet's magnetosphere might receive a glancing blow on Oct. 2-3. Polar geomagnetic storms and auroras are possible when the CME arrives.

A couple of potential regions are currently located behind the east limb, including old region 1840 and should begin to rotate into view over the next 24 hours. There is no current data available for the solar ejecta.

Solar Radiation Storm is at S2

Biological: passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to elevated radiation risk.***

Satellite operations: infrequent single-event upsets possible.

Other systems: small effects on HF propagation through the polar regions and navigation at polar cap locations possibly affected.

Monday, 30 September 2013



Around 21 UT, 9/29/2013 a filament erupted from the northwest quadrant of the sun. It started from the surface with a size of about 30-50 Earths or ~380,000-640,000 kilometers. By the time it left the SDO field-of-view it was easily twice that or roughly the diameter of the sun in length. The eruption produced a C1.2 solar flare as it ripped magnetic fields away from solar plasma. The 2 lines of brightening either side of where the filament lifted-off from are called two-ribbon flares. The resulting CME was first observed in the STEREO Behind Cor2 and SOHO LASCO C3 coronagraphs. The initial speed estimate was ~850 km/s or ~3 million kph. This gives the CME a NASA GSFC Space Weather Research Center (SWRC) SCORE of C-type or common.The event also produced an increase in solar energetic protons for which NOAA issued an S1 solar particle...
NOAA/The Sun Today

Friday, 23 August 2013

Polar Magnetic Storm 2 CMEs to Impact Earth 2013 08 23 HD


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Two CMEs are heading for Earth. The plasma clouds were expelled from the sun on August 20-21 by a pair of erupting magnetic filaments. NOAA forecasters expect the CMEs to arrive on August 23-24, possibly sparking geomagnetic storms around the poles.


ANOTHER CME IS ON THE WAY: As Earth passes through the wake of one CME, which did little to stir geomagnetic activity on Aug. 20th, another CME is on the way. NOAA forecasters expect a coronal mass ejection hurled into space yesterday by an erupting magnetic filament to deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Aug. 23rd -- 24th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.


ANOTHER SUNDIVING COMET: Here we go again. Another comet is diving into the sun, the second one this week. Coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are monitoring the death plunge:

The icy comet, which probably measures a few 10s of meters wide, is vaporizing furiously and is not expected to survive much longer.


Like the comet that came before it, this one is a member of the Kreutz family. Kreutz sungrazers are fragments from the breakup of a single giant comet many centuries ago. They get their name from 19th century German astronomer Heinrich Kreutz, who studied them in detail.


Because of their common parentage, sungrazers often come in clusters. After today's sungrazer evaporates, it wouldn't be surprising to find yet another in the offing. Stay tuned.

Monday, 12 August 2013

2013 08 12 class M1 5 Flare Streaming Towards Earth

Best viewed with window expanded. This weekend the 10th & 11th of August wasn't a moderate geomagnetic storm as we had expected (see previous post Geomagnetic Storm Watch 2013 08 10 11 HD ) maybe because the CME had missed earth altogether or it hasn't arrived yet. But we did get a moderate solar flare C8.4 at 21:58 UTC Sunday evening and a more intense flare class M1.5 around Sunspot 1817 in the southern hemisphere. These two solar flares are geoeffective. The M1.5 class created a wave of ionization in the upper atmosphere above Europe and might have hurled a coronal mass ejection toward Earth. More M class flares and CMEs can be expected from the growing sunspot 1817. Also more solar wind to inundate the earth's magnetosphere on August 16-17th is from a new gigantic coronal hole. Thank you for watching and hope to see you again soon :)

Friday, 9 August 2013

Geomagnetic Storm Watch 2013 08 10-11

Best viewed with window expanded. Filament Eruption and CME An eruptive filament generated a partial halo coronal mass ejection on Wednesday evening. The latest analysis by the Goddard Space Flight Center is calling for an impact to our geomagnetic field by early on August 11th. The latest NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center update is calling for an indirect impact by late on August 10th. This latest plasma cloud is in addition to an earlier CME that was also somewhat directed towards Earth. Minor geomagnetic storming will be possible this weekend should the plasma clouds sweep past Earth. Geomagnetic Storm Watch An elevated solar wind stream flowing from a narrow Coronal Hole (CH) is currently streaming past Earth. This in itself is not expected to stir up much in the way of geomagnetic activity, but should the first of two possible CMEs deliver an expected glancing blow within the next 24 hours, minor G1 geomagnetic storming at high latitudes could unfold due to the combined effects. A second CME could deliver another glancing blow by August 11th. Both were the result of filament eruptions. WATCH: Geomagnetic Storm Category G1 Predicted Highest Storm Level Predicted by Day: Aug 09: None (Below G1) Aug 10: G1 (Minor) Aug 11: G1 (Minor) Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 60 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude. Induced Currents - Weak power grid fluctuations can occur. Spacecraft - Minor impact on satellite operations possible. Aurora - Aurora may be visible at high latitudes, i.e., northern tier of the U.S. such as northern Michigan and Maine.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Special Edition Impending Geomagnetic Storm HD

Something different and out of my comfort niche. Probably not to be repeated since I prefer just to do the science but it can be said I had given it a shot eh. Besides I have a mic that makes me sound like I have a lisp. I have no lisp or should I say lithp lol.
Once in a while would be ok but probably not all the time.

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Magnetic fields in the sun's northern hemisphere have opened up, forming a coronal hole now having turned towards earth.
Coronal holes are places in the sun's atmosphere where the magnetic field bends back and allows the solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this particular coronal hole will reach Earth on August 3-4. Its impact could spark a minor geomagnetic storm, so high-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

A faint Coronal Mass Ejection was observed yesterday following a filament eruption in the southwest quadrant. According to the latest WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction model, a glancing blow impact will be possible by August 5th. Another model released by the Goddard Space Flight Center shows the plasma cloud missing to the west. Updates will be provided when necessary.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Special Edition IRIS First Light HD


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As the telescope door opened on July 17, 2013, IRIS’s single instrument began to observe the sun in exceptional detail. IRIS’s first images showed a multitude of thin, fibril-like structures that have never been seen before, revealing enormous contrasts in density and temperature occur throughout this region even between neighboring loops that are only a few hundred miles apart. The images also show spots that rapidly brighten and dim, which provide clues to how energy is transported and absorbed throughout the region.

Friday, 19 July 2013

19 07 2013 Geomagnetic Storm HD

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A faint CME from July 16th is delivering a glancing blow to our geomagnetic field late on July 18th/19. This in itself is not expected to cause storming, however when you factor in the coronal hole solar wind stream expected to arrive at nearly the same time, this could help generate minor geomagnetic storming at high latitudes.
The solar wind carries with it the magnetic field of the Sun. This magnetic field or the IMF (interplanetary magnetic field) has a particular orientation - southward or northward. If the IMF of the solar wind is southward and the solar wind crosses the Earth for long periods of time, geomagnetic storms can be expected.

The southward IMF causes magnetic and particle energy to be injected into the Earth's magnetosphere creating storms.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013



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A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) swept past Earth on Tuesday afternoon. The ACE Spacecraft detected an interplanetary shock at 19:58 UTC. A geomagnetic sudden impulse measuring 25nT was detected at 20:49 UTC. This signaled the passage of the IP shock past our planet. The initial impact was weak, however a south tilting solar wind / Bz component aided in raising geomagnetic activity.

Interplanetary Mag. Field
Btotal: 10.7 nT
Bz: 9.4 nT south

Planetary K-index
Now: Kp= 3 quiet
24-hr max: Kp= 5 storm

Bz South: The Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipped south (-10 nT) for a long duration. A minor G1 Level Geomagnetic Storm resulted at high latitudes.
Despite its unstable magnetic field, big sunspot AR1785 has resisted exploding.


Despite its unstable magnetic field, big sunspot AR1785 has resisted exploding.
1785 has Beta-Gamma-Delta configuration
Both Sunspots 1785 and 1787 will remain the regions of focus today, with 1785 being the biggest threat for a moderate solar flare (NOAA estimates 55% probability).
Due to return within the next couple of days
1775 S26 

Aurora over Alberta, Canada - Mike Isaak

ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 5
Threshold Reached: 2013 Jul 10 0257 UTC
Synoptic Period: 0000-0300 UTC
Active Warning: Yes
NOAA Scale: G1 - Minor
Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 60 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents - Weak power grid fluctuations can occur.
Spacecraft - Minor impact on satellite operations possible.
Aurora - Aurora may be visible at high latitudes, i.e., northern tier of the U.S. such as northern Michigan and Maine.

Links to visit

Monday, 24 June 2013

M2.9 Class Solar Flare Geomagnetic Storm HD


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Solar activity has been moderate with most activity detected around Sunspot 1778. This region is showing signs of growth and was responsible for an impulse M2.9 flare June 21st and again June 23 at 20:56 UTC Sunday evening and a C9.9 flare this morning at 11:32 UTC. All other regions remain fairly stable. Sunspot 1773 decayed to a spotless plage. Sunspots 1772 and 1776 continue to make their way towards the west limb. There will remain a chance for C-Class flares and perhaps another isolated M-Class event.
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Have a good day and thank you for watching.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

06 06 2013 The Best Solar Magnetic Tornado Observed HD

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This is one of the best solar tornadoes I have observed. SDO/NASA captured at various infrared 304 Ã…ngstrom. 171- 193 et al beginning June 3 to present June 6th 2013.
It is earth directed so whatever shock wave it will produce it is highly possible we will get a glancing blow around the 8th of June.
The auroras created from the shockwave should be beautiful as well as any possible sounds that are produced as the shockwave interacts with our geomagnetosphere causing a geomagnetic storm..
You all have a good week and weekend ahead and hope you catch some good aurora viewing.

Monday, 3 June 2013

A Special Presentation Geomagnetic/Radioactive Storms - 06 03 2013 HD

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On June 2nd at a high-speed (700 km/s) solar wind stream buffets Earth's magnetic field. The warning comes on the heels of a lengthy G2-class geomagnetic storm on May 31- and again June 1 sparked by the arrival of an interplanetary shock wave. The source of the shock is unknown. Although I do suspect it is from the coronal holes themselves. Current speculation focuses on a corotating interaction region (CIR)--that is, a shock-like transition zone between high- and low-speed solar wind streams. Whatever it was, the impact ignited some beautiful auroras,

June 1st, Northern Lights spilled across the Canadian border into more than a dozen US states, turning the sky purple and green as far south as Colorado and Nebraska. Subscribers to the Space Weather Alert System knew the storm was coming, but others were surprised:
Aurora Over Crater Lake National Park, OR
Taken by Brad Goldpaint on June 1, 2013 @ Crater Lake National Park, OR
Taken by Robert Farrimond on May 31, 2013 @ Vantage, Washington

As solar maximum nears its peak we are anticipating whatever our heightened imagination can visualize.

Here is a little preview of the magnetic storm, solar flares at immense speed racing towards earth we can expect.

In which this event actually happened not too long ago last year in March 2012 with a CME at class M.8 (Understanding the Geomagnetic Storm)

more:  May/June 2013 Geomagnetic Storm Flareup