Tuesday 26 June 2012

June 26 2012 What's Up with the Sun? Check it Out HD

The sun had been quiet towards our earth nevertheless her activity continued out of view for us. A bright CME billowed away from the Northwestern limb on June 22nd . Because of the explosion's location on the NW edge of the solar disk, some calculated the cloud would not hit Earth, however as it will show on the diagram it did affect us since earth was still geomagnetically connected.

On June 16 if you'd blink while observing the sun you'd totally miss a coronal mass ejection from AR1510 hurdling towards Earth arriving on June 22nd surprising many why they saw this spike in the geomagnetosphere. I did catch it and here it is if you've missed it the first time around.
An active sunspot on the farside of the sun is only days away from showing itself. During the late hours of June 25th, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded an explosion which heralds the sunspot's approach.
The farside blast hurled a cloud of plasma over the sun's southeastern limb. Earth was not in the line of fire, but Mars might be. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory saw a coronal mass ejection (movie) heading in the general direction of the Red Planet. The rover Curiosity, en route to Mars now, might detect something as the cloud passes by. A glancing blow to Mars itself is possible on June 29th or 30th.
and more ....
Thank you for watching and have a fantastic day.

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