Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The Sun, Sun Grazing Comets and Asteroid Fly By HD

There is a place in space precisely 45° west, eighty some odd million miles from the sun I used to visit frequently as a child. I could go there then – when I was a young, because like all children back then in my mind and in my dreams I could fly. It’s not as much as the exterior architecture in space as what it held inside. Ponies, dragons you called your own.

I do believe if I remember correctly Leonardo da Vinci (not di Caprio) was head master over this place in space as well as Albert Einstein, Von Braun, Isaac Newton walking the crystal halls.

Here is where dreams were born and stories were created, treasures were found where least expected but a clue was always available.

Here is where the sun never slept placed high above in the line of your vision at 45°.



There, - space spread out in front of us - dare and go forward, to explore and fill our minds with its adventures. There below us, our home, Earth. Home to every living, breathing thing. Equal in its rights, not more not less.


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

11618 Blasts a class M1.6 flare Parting Shot. HD

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en francaise une moment s.v.p.
LAST GASP: Decaying sunspot AR1618 (not to be confused with growing sunspot AR1620) erupted on Nov. 27th (1557 UT), producing a last-gasp solar flare ranking M1.6 on the Richter Scale of Flares. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash.
The movie shows a twisted plume of plasma flying away from the blast site, but only temporarily. The sun's gravity pulled the plume back to the stellar surface before it could escape. Extreme UV radiation from this explosion created some ripples of ionization in Earth's atmosphere above North America and Europe. Otherwise, the blast was not geoeffective.
A prominence appears to have been whipped off the eastern half of the Sun very early this morning. This resulted in a bright Coronal Mass Ejection (cme). So far the plasma cloud looks to be headed to the east and away from Earth.
Sunspot 1620 continues to expand and is producing C-Class solar flares. There is now an increased chance for an isolated M-Class solar flare event, particularly around 1620 having turned Beta-Gamma-Delta.
Elsewhere, Sunspot 1618 remains fairly stable as it heads towards the northwest limb, and a new sunspot rotated into view off the northeast limb and should be numbered 1623 later today.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

M1.7 M1.6 M1.4 -CLASS Solar Flares - Solar Seismic Waves HD

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Sunspot 1618 continues to evolve and has a Beta-Gamma magnetic configuration. This region is currently producing low level M-Class solar flares and could produce an even stronger flare within the next 24-48 hours. Sunspot 1618 is now located in the center of the solar disk and in perfect position for Earth directed Coronal Mass Ejections.

Saturday, 17 November 2012


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A truly gigantic explosion happened on the sun yesterday. On Nov. 16th, magnetic fields snaking halfway across the sun's southern hemisphere erupted in tandem, producing a prominence so big, it doesn't fit inside this image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO):
The blast hurled a CME into space, but the cloud does not appear to be heading for Earth.
Analysis of sunlight, which started the discipline of spectroscopy, has been the key to a
number of major scienti® c discoveries. Sunspots, which are much cooler than most of the
Sun's surface, have particularly rich and complicated spectra which has long been thought to
be due to very hot water. The challenge of analysing this spectrum has stimulated the
development of new theoretical procedures based on full quantum mechanical treatments of
the vibrational and rotational motion of the water molecule. The result has been the
identi® cation of novel spectral features and a deeper understanding of how excited molecules
such as superheated water behave. This work has applications ranging from the models of
cool star atmospheres and rocket exhausts to the possible automated detection of forest
® res. Perhaps the most interesting result is the insight given to understanding how our own
atmosphere absorbs sunlight, and the possible consequences that this may have for modelling
the greenhouse effect.
A movie, prepared by Steele Hill of the Goddard Space Flight Center, shows magnetic fields in concerted motion across an expanse of solar "terrain" more than 700,000 km wide. Observations by SDO have shown that such wide-ranging eruptions are not uncommon on the sun--the great Global Eruption of August 2010 being the iconic example.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

M6 0 M2 5 M2 0 CMEs Geomagnetic Storm HD


Un éclat est défini comme une variation soudaine, rapide et intense dans la luminosité. Un éclat solaire arrive quand l'énergie magnétique qui a accru dans l'atmosphère solaire est soudainement sortie. La Radiation est émise à travers pratiquement le spectre électromagnétique entier, d'ondes hertziennes à la longue fin de longueur d'ondes, par l'émission optique aux radiographies et des rayons gamma à la fin de longueur d'ondes courte. La quantité d'énergie sortie est l'équivalent de millions de bombes hydrogènes de 100 mégatonnes éclatant en même temps! Le premier éclat solaire enregistré dans la littérature astronomique était le 1 septembre 1859. Deux scientifiques, Richard C. Carrington et Richard Hodgson, observaient indépendamment des taches solaires à l'époque quand ils ont vu un grand éclat dans la lumière blanche.

Image radiographique douce d'un éclat solaire sur le Soleil
Comme l'énergie magnétique sont sortis, des particules, y compris des électrons, les protons et de lourds noyaux, sont chauffés et accélérés dans l'atmosphère solaire. L'énergie sortie pendant un éclat est typiquement sur l'ordre(la commande) de 1027 ergs par seconde. De grandes fusées de signalisation peuvent émettre jusqu'à 1032 ergs d'énergie. Cette énergie est dix millions de fois plus grande(super) que l'énergie sortie d'une explosion volcanique. D'autre part, c'est moins qu'un dixième de l'énergie totale émise par le Soleil chaque seconde.

Il y a typiquement trois étapes(scènes) à un éclat solaire. Est d'abord l'étape(la scène) de précurseur, où la sortie d'énergie magnétique est déclenchée. L'émission radiographique douce est détectée dans cette étape(scène). Dans l'étape(la scène) deuxième ou impulsive(impulsionnelle), les protons et des électrons sont accélérés aux énergies excédant 1 MeV. Pendant l'étape(la scène) impulsive(impulsionnelle), les ondes hertziennes, radiographient durement, et les rayons gamma sont émis. Le graduel accroissent et la décrépitude de radiographies douces peut être détectée dans le tiers(troisième), l'étape(la scène) de décrépitude. La durée de ces étapes(scènes) peut être aussi courte comme quelques secondes ou tant qu'une heure.
Des fusées de signalisation solaires s'étendent d'à la couche du Soleil appelé la couronne. La couronne est l'atmosphère la plus éloignée du Soleil, consistant de gaz(d'essence) fortement raréfié. Ce gaz(essence) a normalement une température de quelques millions de degrés(diplômes) Kelvin. À l'intérieur d'un éclat, la température atteint typiquement 10 ou 20 millions de degrés(diplômes) Kelvin et peut être aussi haut que 100 millions de degrés(diplômes) Kelvin. La couronne est visible dans des radiographies douces, comme dans la susdite image. Remarquez que la couronne n'est pas uniformément brillante, mais est concentrée autour de l'équateur solaire dans des caractéristiques(fonctions) en forme de boucle. Ces boucles brillantes sont placées(localisées) dans et connectent les zones(domaines) de champ(domaine) magnétique fort appelé actif régions. Les taches solaires sont placées(localisées) dans ces régions actives. Des fusées de signalisation solaires arrivent dans des régions actives.

La fréquence de fusées de signalisation coïncide avec cycle d'onze année du Soleil. Quand le cycle solaire est au minimum, des régions actives sont petites et rares et peu de fusées de signalisation solaires sont détectées. Cette augmentation du nombre(numéro) comme le Soleil s'approche de la partie maximale de son cycle. Le Soleil atteindra son maximum suivant l'année 2011, donnera ou prendra un an.
Une personne ne peut pas voir un éclat solaire en regardant simplement fixement au Soleil. (NE REGARDEZ JAMAIS DIRECTEMENT LE SOLEIL! LES DÉGÂTS D'OEIL PEUVENT RÉSULTER.) les Fusées de signalisation sont en fait difficiles de voir contre l'émission brillante de la photosphère. Au lieu de cela, des instruments scientifiques spécialisés sont utilisés pour détecter les signatures de radiation émises pendant un éclat. La radio et les émissions optiques de fusées de signalisation peuvent être observés avec des télescopes sur la Terre. Des émissions énergiques comme des radiographies et des rayons gamma exigent des télescopes situés dans l'espace, puisque ces émissions ne pénètrent pas dans l'Atmosphère de la terre.

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Solar activity has been moderate with three M-Class solar flares, each around Sunspot 1613 located in the southeast quadrant. The largest of these flares was an impulsive M6.0 event at 02:04 UTC. The solar X-Rays have settled down somewhat over the past several hours with only C-Class activity detected. At least two minor Coronal Mass Ejections are visible in Lasco C2 imagery, but each appear to be directed to the south and east and not towards Earth. There will remain a chance for M-Class solar flares, particularly around Sunspots 1613 and 1614.

Geomagnetic activity after the CME impact did reach close to minor geomagnetic storm levels, however things have since returned to more quiet levels.

The impact has been fairly minor thus far. The Solar Wind is between 400 and 500 km/s and the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is currently pointed North. The Kp index (4) is currently just below the G1 Geomagnetic Storm threshold. Should the Bz tip south for long durations, this could help intensify geomagnetic activity at high latitudes. Skywatchers at very high latitudes should be alert for Aurora.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Update / Eruption Near 1608 - a glancing blow toward Earth / Coronal Ra...

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Filament Eruption Near 1608

A filament eruption was just observed over the last several hours around sunspot 1608. This region is in a good Earth facing position and a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is now visible. A portion of the cloud looks to be Earth directed. More updates to follow.


The brand new CME Prediction Model released by the Goddard Space Flight Center shows a potential for an Earth impact by late on November 12. A majority of the slow moving plasma cloud appears to be headed south, however a glancing blow impact will be possible. This could lead to an increase in geomagnetic activity and aurora at high latitudes.


FARSIDE EXPLOSION: As solar activity picks up on the Earthside of the sun (see "Broken Quiet" below), the farside of the sun is coming alive, too. During the early hours of Nov. 9th, a magnetic filament located behind the sun's southeastern limb erupted, hurling a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) into space:

This explosion was not geoeffective, but future explosions might be. The blast site, still potent, is just days away from rotating onto the Earthside of the sun



ALERT: Type II Radio Emission

Begin Time: 2012 Nov 08 0220 UTC

Estimated Velocity: 784 km/s

Description: Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.


Solar activity remains at very low levels. The largest visible sunspot this morning, is a new region forming in the northwest quadrant. There is currently no chance for strong solar flares.


New sunspots are active

Thursday, 8 November 2012

2012-11-08 / M1.7 flare / Coronal Rain / class X20 CME HD

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M-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: The week-long spell of solar quiet was broken this morning, Nov. 8th, when a new sunspot unleashed an M1.7-class flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme UV flash:
Because of the blast site's location on the sun's northeastern limb, Earth was not in the line of fire. It will take about a week for this new active region to turn squarely toward our planet. Stay tuned for updates as the chance of geoeffective flares increases in the days ahead.
9 year ago...
The Sun unleashed a powerful flare on 4 November 2003 that could be the most powerful ever witnessed and probably as strong as anything detected since satellites were able to record these events n the mid-1970s. The still and video clip from the Extreme ultraviolet Imager on SOHO captured the event.
The two strongest flares on record, in 1989 and 2001, were rated at X20. This one was stronger scientists say. But because it saturated the X-ray detector aboard NOAA's GOES satellite that monitors the Sun, it is not possible to tell yet just how large it was. A number of scientists are estimating that the rating may put it somewhere around X28 or X30.
SO THIS IS SOLAR MAXIMUM? Forecasters have long expected the Solar Max of 2013 to be the weakest of the Space Age.
The threshold of Solar Max looks a lot like Solar Min.
Coronal Rain and more ...
8 Active Sunspot Regions Today.
New region 11610 emerged on November 6 and has a Beta magnetic configuration.
New region S2039 which is a spotted region now numbered 1611 by NOAA/SWPC rotated into view on the 7th. The region produced an M1.7 long duration event peaking at 02:23 on November 8.
11605,11607 continued to slowly decay while all other regions remained stable.
An area with poorly defined corona rotated across the central meridian on November 5 and could cause a minor enhancement in geomagnetic activity (Auroras) Today and tomorrow.
NOAA again predicts that region 11607 most likely to flare: --: X(0%) M(2%)
STEREO satellites recorded 8 CME's over two-day period

Saturday, 3 November 2012


I sat and watched him for the longest time skipping flatstones across the water. If he was aware of my presence it left me unconcerned. My eyes gazed only along the stone leaving his hand until the decision of impact on the surface a megaton pressure of TNT shattering the calm rearranging its molecules in discontent.

What physics instigates, physics must follow.

My mind did not rest within the turbulence.

Instead my conscious wandered to the sun, its prominences rising high like an archway giving entrance to the palace’s purest of gold. The sparkles of diamonds at the feet of each column a regal reception or perhaps only the glitter masking the depth of deception

With a snap likened to an elastic band or a firing gun more than one hundred thousand magatons of magnetized plasma eruption spreading across the surface of the sun.

The solar tsunami is born.

J'ai été assis et l'ai observé pour le temps le plus long sautant flatstones à travers l'eau. S'il a été conscient(a été au courant) de ma présence il m'a laissé(m'a quitté) insouciant. Mes yeux ont regardé seulement le long de la pierre laissant(quittant) sa main jusqu'à la décision de l'impact sur la surface une pression de mégatonne de TNT brisant le réarrangement calme ses molécules dans le mécontentement.

Quelle physique incite, la physique doit suivre.

Mon avis(esprit) ne s'est pas reposé(resté) dans la turbulence.

Au lieu de cela mon conscient erré au soleil, ses proéminences(importances) montant haut comme une voûte entrée généreuse au palais le plus pur d'or. Le miroite de diamants(carreaux) aux pieds de chaque colonne une réception majestueuse ou peut-être seulement le déguisement se scintillant la profondeur de tromperie

Avec une poigne assimilée à un élastique ou une arme à feu tirante plus de cent mille magatons d'éruption plasma magnétisée s'étendant à travers la surface du soleil.

Le tsunami solaire est né.


Un ordre d'éruptions de filament magnétiques autour du membre occidental du soleil a propulsé trois CMES dans l'espace le 3 novembre. Seulement un du CMES semble être (légèrement) la Terre adressée(dirigée). S'il en est ainsi, il ajouterait à l'impact d'un courant(d'un cours d'eau) de vent solaire mineur(secondaire) déjà en route à notre planète, due pour arriver le 4-5 novembre. Des observateurs de ciel arctiques devraient y avoir conscience pour l'Aurore boréale des délais. Alertes d'orage magnétique.

Aussi qui est Tsunamis Solaires ?

MISE À JOUR : le composant Bz du Champ(Domaine) Magnétique Interplanétaire (le FMI) a été incliné brusquement le sud pendant plusieurs heures passées (-11 nT) et ceci mène pour augmenté l'activité géomagnétique à de hautes latitudes. Le K-index est actuellement inscrit comme 4, qui est juste au-dessous du seuil Géomagnétique Mineur(Secondaire) G1 de Tempête(Pluvial).

Solar Tsunamis


On Earth we understand tsunamis to be powerful and immense waves that are capable of incalculable devastation. However not even the biggest tsunami in Earth’s produced by seismic activity can even compare to solar tsunamis. These are massive waves of solar substance that dwarf just about anything in the solar system in scale and size. More importantly their effects are not just limited to the Sun: they can also affect the Earth as well.



Solar Tsunamis are officially known as fast-mode magnetohydrodynamical waves. These waves are massive. Most are taller than the circumference of Earth. Essentially if you were to place the Earth in a hypothetical Solar sized ocean, it would be completely swamped. Another interesting thing is that these waves have been observed by different solar observatories such as the SOHO telescope. The images show it looking like tsunamis ripple patterns after an earthquake. The images were so startling that many astronomers worldwide at first did not believe what they were seeing.


So what causes solar tsunamis? It is believed that solar tsunamis are caused by Coronal Mass Ejections. These are periodic ejections of the Sun’s material that cause solar flares and power the solar wind. Coronal Mass ejections are basically immensely powerful explosions and just like powerful earthquakes on Earth cause tidal waves they can cause solar tsunamis. And the actual numbers are astounding. Another NASA solar observatory, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) observed a solar tsunami that traveled at a blistering 250 km/s (560,000 miles per hour). It also towered at a staggering 100,000 km high.


One thing is certain, is that while they happen on the Sun, solar tsunamis affect us on Earth as well. When ever a Coronal Mass Ejection happens, powerful ions are streamed into space. If the tsunamis just like any CME happens to be pointed at Earth it can potentially affect telecommunication and electronics.


Excerpt by Tega Jessa edited by Trudi Kay



Tsunamis Solaires


Sur la Terre nous comprenons des tsunamis pour être les vagues puissantes et immenses qui sont capables de dévastation(d'anéantissement) incalculable. Cependant non même le plus grand tsunami dans la Terre produite par l'activité sismique peut même comparer aux tsunamis solaires. Ceux-ci sont les vagues massives de substance solaire qui éclipsent à peu près quoi que ce soit dans le système solaire dans l'échelle et la taille. Plus important encore leurs effets ne sont pas juste limités au Soleil : ils peuvent aussi affecter la Terre aussi.



On connaît officiellement des Tsunamis solaires comme le mode rapide magnetohydrodynamical des vagues. Ces vagues sont massives. Le plus sont plus grand que la circonférence de Terre. Essentiellement si vous deviez placer(situer) la Terre dans un océan Solaire hypothétique de taille, il serait complètement inondé. Une autre chose intéressante est que ces vagues ont été observées par différent.

Une autre chose intéressante est que ces vagues ont été observées par des observatoires solaires différents comme le télescope de SOHO. Les images le montrent ressemblant aux modèles d'ondulation de tsunamis après un tremblement de terre. Les images étaient si ahurissantes que beaucoup d'astronomes dans le monde entier n'ont pas d'abord cru ce qu'ils voyaient.


Ainsi que causes tsunamis solaires ? On le croit que des tsunamis solaires sont causés par des Éjections de Masse(Messe) de Couronne. Ceux-ci sont les éjections périodiques du matériel(de la matière) du Soleil qui causent des fusées de signalisation solaires et font fonctionner le vent solaire. Les éjections de Masse(Messe) de couronne sont des explosions essentiellement immensément puissantes et comme des tremblements de terre puissants sur des raz-de-marée de cause de La terre ils peuvent causer des tsunamis solaires. Et les nombres(numéros) réels sont étonnants. Une autre NASA l'observatoire solaire, l'Observatoire de Relations Terrestre Solaire (STÉRÉO) observé un tsunami solaire qui a voyagé à 250 km/s brûlants (560,000 miles par heure). Il s'est aussi dressé de manière imposante à une stupéfaction 100,000 km de haut.


Une chose est certaine, est que tandis qu'ils arrivent sur les tsunamis Solaires, solaires nous affectent sur la Terre aussi. Quand jamais une Éjection de Masse(Messe) de Couronne arrive, des ions puissants sont coulés dans l'espace. Si les tsunamis comme n'importe quel CME arrivent d'être dirigés à la Terre il peut potentiellement affecter la télécommunication et l'électronique.


Extrait par Tega Jessa édité par Trudi Kay

Friday, 26 October 2012

2012 10 26 The Quiet Sun & Bonus Cassini Sees Huge Burp at Saturn After ...

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Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity
Solar activity has been low.  Region 1598 (S12E29) has
produced numerous C-class events throughout the period, and remains
the most magnetically complex region on the disk.  Although slight
decay was noted in Region 1598s trailer spots, it still maintains a
Delta magnetic configuration.  Region 1596 (N08W08) is moderately
sized with some magnetic complexity, but did not produce any flares
during the period. The other regions either remained stable or were
Solar Activity Forecast:  Solar activity is expected to be
moderate to high with occasional M-class events, and a slight chance
for an isolated X-class event for the next three days (25 - 27 Oct)
with Region 1598 the most likely source.
Geophysical Activity Forecast:  The geomagnetic field is
expected to be quiet for the next three days (25 - 27 Oct).
More ... http://truemaskedwabbit.blogspot.ca/2012/10/2012-10-26-quiet-sun-bonus-cassini-sees.html#links

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

2012 10 23 X1.8 CME - and Radio Blackout HD

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New sunspot AR1598 has erupted again. On Oct. 23rd at 0322 UT, Earth orbiting satellites detected a strong X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:
Radiation from the flare created waves of ionization in the upper atmosphere over Asia and Australia (the daylit side of Earth) and possibly HF radio blackouts at high latitudes. The blast did not, however, produce a significant coronal mass ejection (CME). No auroras are expected to result from this event.

This is the 4th significant flare from AR1598 since it emerged over the southeastern limb only three days ago. This means more flares are probably in the offing, and they will become increasingly Earth-directed as the sunspot turns toward our planet in the days ahead.
SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1
Begin Time: 2012 Oct 23 0313 UTC
Maximum Time: 2012 Oct 23 0317 UTC
End Time: 2012 Oct 23 0321 UTC
X-ray Class: X1.8
Location: S10E53
NOAA Scale: R3 - Strong
Potential Impacts: Area of impact consists of large portions of the sunlit side of Earth, strongest at the sub-solar point.
Radio - Wide area blackout of HF (high frequency) radio communication for about an hour.
Stay tuned for updates.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

2012-10-21 Class M9.0 Flare. Active Region keeps on giving more M flares...

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On Oct. 20th at 1814 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a strong M9-class solar flare. The source was a new sunspot, AR1598, emerging over the sun's southeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash (image), which sent waves of ionization rippling through Earth's upper atmosphere. More flares are in the offing. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.
10 active regions on the disk today.
A new sunspot region coming over the southeast limb 11598 poses a threat for M- and X-class solar flares.Region 11596 still has a Beta-Gamma magnetic complexity and continues to be a threat for geoeffective flares.
ORIONID METEOR UPDATE: The Orionid meteor shower is underway as Earth passes through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet. International meteor counts suggest a broad peak of about 25 meteors per hour centered on Oct. 21st. If the trend holds, sky watchers can expect to see a dozen or so Orionids flitting across the sky every hour after midnight on Oct. 21-22. Got clouds? Try listening for Orionid 'pings' on the realtime meteor radar. http://www.spaceweather.com/

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


 Sunspot AR1593, now emerging over the sun's northeastern limb, doesn't look very impressive. Yet two days ago it unleashed a very impressive eruption. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a glowing bulb of plasma more than 100,000 miles across on Oct. 14th:
The eruption occured while AR1592 was still on the farside of the sun, so Earth was not in the line of fire.(Or was it?) AR1592 will spend the next ~12 days facing our planet, setting the stage for geoeffective blasts if the sunspot erupts again.

The paradox and more
Stay tuned

Friday, 12 October 2012

2012-10-11 M1/M2 and Asteroid Flyby HD

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Solar Flares
6-hr max: C4 0804 UT Oct11
24-hr: C4 0804 UT Oct11
GOES X-ray Flux plot (updates every 5 minutes)
Sunspot number: 71
5 active regions.
NE limb view from region 11589
 For the past two weeks, solar activity has been relatively low. Now, a change is in the offing. The farside of the sun is peppered with sunspots, and some of them are beginning to turn toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed this pair of active regions advancing over the eastern limb during the early hours of Oct. 11th:
Underlying each nest of glowing magnetic loops is a dark sunspot that poses a threat for solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.
Planetary K-index
Now: Kp= 1 quiet
24-hr max: Kp= 3 quiet
Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index
 Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 TC4 will fly past Earth on Oct. 12th only 96,000 km (0.25 LD) away. There is no danger of a collision, but the 16 meter-wide space rock will be close enough to photograph through backyard telescopes as it brightens to approximately 14th magnitude.
Sources:NOAA/ http://www.spaceweather.com
ASTEROID FLYBY: Newly-discovered asteroid 2012 TC4 will fly past Earth on Oct. 12th only 96,000 km (0.25 LD) away. There is no danger of a collision, but the 16 meter-wide space rock will be close enough to photograph through backyard telescopes as it brightens to approximately 14th magnitude. NASA hopes to ping this this object with radar, refining its orbit and possibly measuring its shape. Stay tuned for updates.

Friday, 5 October 2012

2012 10 05 Flatlining Sun and EARTH Directed CME HD

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EARTH-DIRECTED CME: Magnetic fields near sunspot AR1582 slowly erupted on Oct 5th sparking a B7-class solar flare and hurling a CME toward Earth. The Solar and Heliosphere Observatory (SOHO) captured this image of the expanding cloud:
Although Earth is in the line of fire, it won't be a direct hit. Instead, the CME will deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters estimate a 20% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives on Oct. 8th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras especially during the hours around local midnight.
This came on the heels of a post I was preparing about our sun flatlining again.
Enjoy and wish you all a very good weekend. :)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

2012 09 25 Class C3.6 flare and C1.7 Earthbound HD

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Class C3.6 flare and C1.7 Earthbound with auroras on the 28, 29, and 30th September. Forecast: Auroral activity will be quiet. Weather permitting, quiet displays will be visible directly overhead from Barrow to Fort Yukon and visible low on the horizon from Fairbanks to as far south as Nome, Talkeetna and Whitehorse, Canada.
Also a new comet has been found.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

2012 09 20 The Quiet Sun HD

The sun is quiet ….  The sun is flat-lining ….. the sun is dead.   …..   How often have we heard any of those words? Not just from amateur astronomers, sun gazers grumbling beneath their breath, oh no, right to the deep thinkers, the astro-physicists. Really? Yes Really!


But what exactly does all this mean? Me and you could be looking at the sun and see a few activities going on and get somewhat confused at the grumbles of the experts that the sun is inactive, dead even. We could well see a coronal mass ejection or a filament eruption or even Mercury saying hello to the sun as Venus smiles back her vixen smile.

To understand this anomaly we would have to pay close attention to the frowns and shifting eyes of the sun gazer himself.  More specifically where his/her pointer is pointing at for hours on end. A specific sunspot with a specific ID (gamma beta) so close but still no cigar the awaited “delta” waiting for that particular sunspot to go gamma beta delta and deliver some healthy class M or class X flares.

That according to the serious astronomer is the difference between an active and a dead sun.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

September 15 2012 A Filament Eruption & Asteroid Flyby [HD]

   I know I know - I should not be doing videos and data calculations right now (doctor's orders, bed rest and getting ready for my upcoming surgery) but it is food for my hunger, besides it is something interesting, with a little flyby heebijeebies and asteroid slamming into Jupiter and it's all happening in our own back yard. How could I possibly not bring this to you. Smiles.

A filament eruption occurred Sept. 13, around 0600 UT, between AR 11566 and 11567. It was accompanied by a relatively slow CME (v -- 400 km/s) as estimated by STEREO COR2 observations. At the time this message is prepared, no LASCO observations are yet available. From the COR data only, it looks like the bulk of the CME is directed northward. We, therefore, do not expect geomagnetic effects from this event, and the overall geomagnetic activity is likely to be quiet for the next 48 hours.

Today, an asteroid as wide as three football fields is flying past Earth. At closest approach, 2012 QG42 will be 2.8 million km (7.4 lunar distances) away, so there is no danger of a collision. Nevertheless, it is close enough for backyard astronomers to track using large amateur telescopes; the space rock is glowing like a 14th magnitude star.
Please note: The asteroid is not one football field in size and growing as mentioned by some on YouTube. It is the size of 3 football fields and since it is an inanimate object it is physically impossible to keep on growing.