Thursday, 8 November 2012

2012-11-08 / M1.7 flare / Coronal Rain / class X20 CME HD

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M-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: The week-long spell of solar quiet was broken this morning, Nov. 8th, when a new sunspot unleashed an M1.7-class flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme UV flash:
Because of the blast site's location on the sun's northeastern limb, Earth was not in the line of fire. It will take about a week for this new active region to turn squarely toward our planet. Stay tuned for updates as the chance of geoeffective flares increases in the days ahead.
9 year ago...
The Sun unleashed a powerful flare on 4 November 2003 that could be the most powerful ever witnessed and probably as strong as anything detected since satellites were able to record these events n the mid-1970s. The still and video clip from the Extreme ultraviolet Imager on SOHO captured the event.
The two strongest flares on record, in 1989 and 2001, were rated at X20. This one was stronger scientists say. But because it saturated the X-ray detector aboard NOAA's GOES satellite that monitors the Sun, it is not possible to tell yet just how large it was. A number of scientists are estimating that the rating may put it somewhere around X28 or X30.
SO THIS IS SOLAR MAXIMUM? Forecasters have long expected the Solar Max of 2013 to be the weakest of the Space Age.
The threshold of Solar Max looks a lot like Solar Min.
Coronal Rain and more ...
8 Active Sunspot Regions Today.
New region 11610 emerged on November 6 and has a Beta magnetic configuration.
New region S2039 which is a spotted region now numbered 1611 by NOAA/SWPC rotated into view on the 7th. The region produced an M1.7 long duration event peaking at 02:23 on November 8.
11605,11607 continued to slowly decay while all other regions remained stable.
An area with poorly defined corona rotated across the central meridian on November 5 and could cause a minor enhancement in geomagnetic activity (Auroras) Today and tomorrow.
NOAA again predicts that region 11607 most likely to flare: --: X(0%) M(2%)
STEREO satellites recorded 8 CME's over two-day period

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